Friday, July 30, 2010
More About Colors - White
Sunday, July 25, 2010
An Announcement About Posting Frequency
Friday, July 23, 2010
More About Colors - Red
Saturday, July 17, 2010
More About Colors - Pink
If you're going to be in a situation where things are present - feelings, expressions and so on that you would not want to have too close to you, might be better to wear another color.
Keep pink handy, women, as a color that you can quickly put on or take off in a form of an accessory. Men, you can do the same.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Clarity - A Special Extra Message For You Today
I've posted this to You Tube because I was gearing the videos to a more general audience, as those of you who've been reading and studying the blogs here could tell. However I wanted to share it with you because I know many of you do not go to the You Tube, or single out just one of my three primary blogs to read and study. So I'm going to add here this video and these words below so you can see what I have stated to the You Tube viewers. Goodlife.
Greetings my friends. I feel it's important to add this to the post I already put up today even though it's not on the subject of Choice but towards the end there's a little bonus about that and the next video in this actual planned sequence will also be about Choice.
So this is something I needed to say for a while, and I've asked Grandfather to say it for you so that it will be clear and understood in the most loving way, and I hope that you'll hear it in the most benevolent way.
Just know that I appreciate you all and I do feel good about your interest in spirituality and your desire to be empowered so that you can practice your own spirituality in the most benevolent way.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
2011 Predictions: Choose
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Earthquakes and Long Touch
*For a more thorough understanding of Long Touch you may wish to continue your studies here.
Monday, July 5, 2010
More About Colors - Purple
Hand Position

*The Herald Of Purple (I originally published this in a blog I had in 2006 called The Shaman's Way.)
What is the nature of the color purple. Why is it associated with spirit. This is a color that has been seen - not only by Visionaries but by everyday people. People like you and I and people you see walking on the street every day.
The color has been seen around the time of the passing of a loved one or a friend or sometimes even someone you did not really know very well. Perhaps they were an acquaintance, perhaps a complete stranger.
I'm not referring to the dark purple color that is often used for religious ceremonies. This is a lighter purple color and has a version of translucence to it - sometimes even a variation of transparency.
It is always seen when a Spirit is either coming or going to someplace and on occasion it is seen when a Spirit is visiting. It is really true that spirits can visit. Sometimes a place, sometimes a person and this visiting is always accompanied by a benevolent guide even if the Spirit themselves are a guide because if they're visiting someplace it is very often a situation where there is some affection, feeling or sense of familiarity and one would like to have a friend of ones own kind present.
I'm bringing this up to you today because I feel it's important for you to recognize that should you see this kind of thing most often it will not be in the form of a human being. It will be a fairly anomalous shape. Perhaps just a sweep of purple, perhaps a sort of shape - sometimes even in a circle or a disc shape.
This is something that we will see these days more and more. Don't be frightened please. It will almost always be accompanied by a benevolent energy that many of you will be able to physically feel and be comforted by. As I say, it may be a friend or a beloved relative.
If you can see it the chances are it is somebody that you have known or some being that has great affection for you. It is then a blessing and I believe ought to be counted as one. I am hopeful that you will have the opportunity to have this experience as I feel that it will often be something that you may cherish.
Spirits these days have more capacity to move amongst us. According to what I've been taught and what I believe by my experience, this is because we as physical beings have moved beyond the station that we were at when our world was a portion of our lives - meaning when we were born.
There has been an acceleration in spirit and form. Some of it has been brought about by our compassion towards our fellow beings who are suffering but I believe also that some of it has been brought about by our desire for us to get on with a more benevolent life and to embrace all those in the world who desire the same thing.
Welcome the sight of the beautiful light colored purple. It will always be a visitation of a beloved and benevolent Spirit.
Goodlife to you all.